Dear Friend, Welcome to November and Currents, WaterWatch of Oregon's biweekly email digest of news, media, programs, and related concerns. Don't forget to vote for rivers, wildlife, clean water, and the environment this Tuesday on Election Day! Here's what's new: |
| Daniel Coe Image Featured on Fall Instream Cover The fall issue of our Instream newsletter arrived last week featuring a cover image of a portion of the Wild and Scenic stretch of the Rogue River taken by cartographer Daniel Coe, who has designed maps for National Geographic, Atlas Obscura, and American Scientist. The photo utilizes light detection and ranging technology, known as LiDAR, which is a remote sensing technique that uses a laser to measure distances and create 3D models of the Earth's surface. We're thrilled to have Daniel's permission to use his photo! |
| Accolades, Salmon Follow Another Rogue Basin Dam Removal Amazingly, a year has already passed since WaterWatch completed a priority fish barrier removal project on Takelma Creek in the Illinois River subbasin of the Rogue River. Ending the harm caused by obsolete barriers that delay, injure, and kill Oregon's prized fish runs has been a major part of WaterWatch's work to restore the Rogue's natural abundance and resiliency, and no single river restoration action provides a bigger return on investment than barrier removal. Consider a gift to WaterWatch today to support our ongoing work. |
| Great Response So Far for Willamette Instream Applications Your response to our appeals for support for new Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) instream water right applications in the north and middle Willamette River basins has been fantastic! Thank you for supporting new legal protections for instream flows and fish. Altogether ODFW has applied for 269 instream water rights in Willamette River basins, and the next batch is coming up shortly for the upper Willamette toward the river's headwaters. We'll let you know when they're online and how to comment. Thank you! |
| WaterWatch and Allies Call for EPA Action on Nitrate Pollution As reported in the Oregon Capital Chronicle on Thursday, WaterWatch joined nearly two dozen other environmental organizations from around the county to sign on to a letter to the EPA that called on agency officials to use their regulatory authority to stop nitrate pollution in drinking water caused by, among other sources, animal waste and crop fertilizers from large confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs). CAFOs also use large amounts of groundwater, which exacerbates water quality problems in remaining groundwater. |
| Yurok Tribe Video Shows Salmon in Upper Klamath Tributaries Just two weeks ago fall-run salmon were found by ODFW biologists in a tributary of the Klamath River above the recently-removed J.C. Boyle Dam, demonstrating the instinctive response of salmon to return to habitat that, for decades, had been sealed off to them. And where there were once few, now there are many. In a video posted by the Yurok tribe on social media, the tribe reports "hundreds of salmon are now spawning in Klamath River tributaries" above the four recently-removed dams for the first time, in some cases, in 112 years. |
| Casting a Line: Fall and Winter Trout Fishing in Oregon With the shift this week to the autumn rainy cycle, it's a good time to share this article from the fall issue of Instream by development officer and angler Jesse Robbins on fishing tips for the fall and winter seasons. Featuring options along the Metolius, Lower Deschutes, and McKenzie River near Jesse's home in Springfield, he's included gear tips, boat launches, and additional species and wildlife to keep an eye out for while you're waiting for a tug on the line. More Instream content is available under the Water News tab at |
| | Instream cover image by Daniel Coe, former Takelma Dam photo courtesy of River Design Group, Middle Fork Willamette River photo by Jesse Robbins, CAFO photo by Michael Cheung / USDA, salmon photo by Mark Hereford / ODFW, McKenzie River photo by Andy Archer. Currents graphics and Instream design by Monet Hampson. |
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| Contact Us WaterWatch of Oregon 213 SW Ash St., Suite 208 Portland, Oregon 97204 (503) 295-4039 |