Dear Friend, Welcome to Currents, WaterWatch of Oregon's biweekly email digest and round-up of news, media, and events. Be sure to get your tickets for WaterWatch's 22nd Annual Celebration of Oregon Rivers before the special early bird rate closes Sept. 5th, after which we go to full pricing for our Oct. 5th auction event. Have a great weekend — here's what's new: |
| Native Fish Return Following Dam Removal In a first, U.S. Forest Service biologists have found young Coho salmon and steelhead upstream of the former Takelma Creek Dam in the Illinois River subbasin of the Rogue. This comes less than a year after WaterWatch removed the structure, which had completely blocked fish from 3.5 miles of spawning and rearing habitat. This multi-faceted project provided a fish-friendly alternative to the old dam's water diversion, and replaced a fish-blocking culvert on Illinois River Road with a safer, fish-passing culvert, among other benefits. |
| | WaterWatch and Author Steve Duda Stop by KOIN-TV As part of our promotion ahead of Steve Duda's appearance at the Beaverton Powell's, Steve and WaterWatch development officer Jesse Robbins made an appearance on KOIN-TV's AM Extra program Thursday morning with hosts Emily Burris and Travis Teich to discuss Steve's new book River Songs, and talk about WaterWatch and the importance of healthy rivers and cold water flows in our state's environmental portfolio. We've posted the video to, or you can watch the clip at the KOIN-TV YouTube page. |
| Fun, Engaged Turnout at the PDX Adult Soapbox Derby There was no shortage of crowds or environmentally-engaged Oregonians from around the state at the 25th annual PDX Adult Soapbox Derby at Portland's Mount Tabor last Saturday. With a variety of colorful soapbox racers hurtling by, our WaterWatch team spoke with dozens of attendees about clean rivers, watersheds, native fish, cold water flows, and handed out prizes and copies of our Instream newsletter. Thanks to the many humans — and dogs! — that stopped by to say hi and brighten our day. Photos are online now. |
| | Opportunities to Secure Oregon's Sustainable Water Future As featured in our executive director's Stream of Consciousness column in this summer's issue of Instream, Oregon recently welcomed new directors at three of the state's natural resource agencies with missions related to water, particularly the Oregon Water Resources Department (OWRD). The change of leadership at OWRD presents an opportunity for the agency to lead Oregon towards a sustainable water future, starting with the proposed updates to the state's groundwater allocation rules. |
| | Takelma Creek photo by Jim McCarthy, Powell's and KOIN-TV photos by Tommy Hough, soapbox derby photo and Currents graphics by Monet Hampson, Owyhee River photo by Bob Wick / U.S. Bureau of Land Management. |
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| Contact Us WaterWatch of Oregon 213 SW Ash St., Suite 208 Portland, Oregon 97204 (503) 295-4039 |