Dear Friend, Welcome to Currents, WaterWatch of Oregon's biweekly email digest and round-up of news, media, and events. Get your tickets for WaterWatch's 22nd Annual Celebration of Oregon Rivers on Oct. 5th, and it's not too late to inquire about potential sponsorship opportunities. Have a great weekend — here's what's new: |
| Declarations Filed in Winchester Dam Lawsuit WaterWatch of Oregon, allied organizations, and several individuals submitted a motion to support the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife civil lawsuit against the Winchester Water Control District, i.e. the owners of Winchester Dam, along with their associated contractors for their role in last summer's calamitous loss of juvenile Pacific lamprey during dam repairs. As reported by the Roseburg News-Review, a Douglas County judge heard the motion in July, and a status hearing on the decision is scheduled for next Friday, Aug. 16th. |
| Oregon Water Partnership Rogue Basin Tour WaterWatch and the six other conservation groups of the Oregon Water Partnership hosted an educational tour for state legislators in the Rogue Basin to highlight streamflow restoration projects and bring attention to instream transfers and irrigation efficiency projects that have permanently returned water instream. These types of projects are critical to restoring Oregon's rivers and streams, and only possible because of two Oregon laws WaterWatch championed in 1987: the Instream Water Rights Act and the Conserved Water Rights Act. |
| WaterWatch Tabling at Mt. Tabor for PDX Soapbox Derby Look for WaterWatch at another Oregon summer classic as we attend the 25th anniversary of the annual PDX Adult Soapbox Derby at Mt. Tabor Park in Portland next Saturday, Aug. 17th. You'll find WaterWatch near the food vendor tents above the Mt. Tabor reservoir along the old derby track during the opening hours of the event. The derby itself runs from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. as teams drive their own homemade, home-built "downhill racers" down the curves and straightaways of Mt. Tabor for prizes and pride. Stop by and say hi! |
| | Bob Hunter to Lead Klamath Basin Birding Tour Bidding begins the moment doors open at our 22nd Annual Celebration of Oregon Rivers at 5 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 5th, and you'll want to bring binoculars for what will be one of this year's most popular silent auction packages as Bob Hunter, one of WaterWatch's founding board members, hosts a day of birding in the Lower Klamath and Tule Lake National Wildlife Refuges for four lucky auction winners, including lunch and transportation from Klamath or Jackson counties. Get the latest on all our live and silent auction packages here. |
| Summer Instream: Boyer Family Foundation Spotlight As featured in this summer's issue of Instream, after years of consistent, generous giving by the Boyer Family Foundation, helmed by Jeff and Tracy Boyer of Bend, WaterWatch received what can only be described as a transformative gift from the foundation late last year. As part of our expression of thanks, and to highlight the Boyers' long-term support, we featured a bit of Jeff and Tracy's story, their commitment to WaterWatch, and concern for Oregon's water future in this special Instream profile. |
| | Winchester Dam photo by Will Geschke/Roseburg News-Review, OWP Rogue Basin tour photo by Kimberley Priestley, PDX Soapbox Derby photo by Jason DeSomer, Steve Duda photo by Earl Harper, Klamath Basin photo by Mary Hyde, Jeff and Tracy Boyer photo courtesy of the Boyer Family Foundation. Currents graphics by Monet Hampson. |
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| Contact Us WaterWatch of Oregon 213 SW Ash St., Suite 208 Portland, Oregon 97204 (503) 295-4039 |